A day that started in America in 1908, Mother’s Day is now celebrated all around the world. We know what it means for us, the daughters and sons, but what does it actually mean for the mothers? Do they enjoy it? What is their ideal gift to receive? I asked two very talented bloggers and the Book a Party PR manager, who all happen to be mums themselves, what their thoughts are on this special day.

(Dawn, fashion blogger at Dress me Perfect, Jo, blogger at Slummy Single Mummy & Lynsey Book a Party PR Manager)
1. What is the meaning of Mother's day now that you are a mother and a daughter?
Dawn: I think it's important to take time out to say thank you and to give a little attention. I spend lots of time with my mum and I like her knowing how loved she is. I enjoy the fact I'm celebrated as being a mother. I think it's a great way for my children to learn to show their affection and appreciation of somebody. It's good for them to stop for a day and be caring. I love them making a fuss of me haha.
Jo: To be honest I'm not terribly fussed about Mother's Day as a mother. I enjoy the excuse to spend time with my own mum but I'm not desperate for a lie in or gifts or anything! To be it feels a bit like Valentine's Day - I don't think you should need a special day to tell those close to you that you love them.
Lynsey: Mother’s Day means so much more to me now that I am a mother. It makes me appreciate what my mum has done for me even more as I now know what she has done for me over the years. Additionally now that I have children, on Mother’s Day I do count my blessings for having such adorable boys.
2. Have you found that your relationship with your own mother changed after you became a mother? And if yes, how so?
Dawn: I've always been very close with my mother and had a great relationship. I think that's why I have such great relationships with my own children. She taught me so much about family life. You can't be selfish when you’re a parent and you have to make sacrifices for your kids. I think I had more admiration for her after I had my own kids. I didn't realise what she must have been through at certain points in life and I take my hat of to her. Knowing how hard it is to be a mother definitely made me realise how fab my own mother is. I think she's proud of the mother I am. That makes me really happy.
Jo: This is a bit of an odd one for me as I was pregnant at 16 and so have never been a grown up without children! It feels like I never had that in between time, where I left home and led my own selfish life - I've always been close to my mum and appreciated her both as a parent and as a grandparent.
Lynsey: Yes definitely, I was a typical teenager and went through a difficult patch with my mum in my teen years, I now understand why she acted the way she did as she cared. Our bond now is a lot stronger.
3. Finally, what is your ideal Mother's Day surprise?
Dawn: Oh, I just love seeing my kids littles faces glowing when they present me with the flowers and cards. They hide the presents behind their back and are so excited to surprise me. I love surprises. They go off with their dad to buy something. I always get excited to see what they've chosen. They know me pretty well, so I always end up with something beautiful.
Jo: I love eating out, so being taken out to eat would be nice, maybe an afternoon tea or a boozy brunch. I'd be happy with anything that shows a little bit of thought!
Lynsey: My ideal Mother’s Day surprise would be to be taken out for lunch with my family and then whisked off for some spa treatments, a perfect mixture of fun and relaxation.
What does Mother’s Day mean to you? Let us know via Facebook or Twitter.
So if you're looking for something unique to do, let Book a Party help with your Mother's Day activities.